The Return to Happiness

Did you know that in the Victorian Era people used to give specific flowers to each other to convey a specific message. Each flower had a particular message tied to it and this was how people were able to express deep, heartfelt emotions in an era where being ‘expressive’ and overly emotional were frowned upon. The meaning of Lily of the Valley is: ‘The return to happiness’.
I find this meaning so significant in the current season we’re all finding ourselves in. Let’s be honest - it’s tough, it’s gruelling, it’s uncertain and it’s real. For some more than others.
Happiness and contentment seem to elude us and we’re hanging by a thread on some (if not most) days.
So, today I’m bringing you a small bunch of Lily of the Valley flowers to breathe hope into your heart, even if there is seemingly nothing to hope for. I hope that you will have grace for yourself and for others, to cushion the blow and to create a soft landing place where you and those around you can just BE.
May you experience a recalibration that allows your heart to return to happiness and contentment, in the midst of all the uncertainty and heartache we’re surrounded by. May you bloom 🖤
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